Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Welcome to Seni-Seni!

Welcome to Seni-Seni, a blog dedicated to covering Indonesian arts in all of their glorious forms. This website is based in Melbourne, Australia and will provide a forum to publicise this city's burgeoning Indonesian arts scene and to provide publicity for upcoming events.

As well as covering local events, Seni-Seni will also feature arts and cultural news from around Australia and Indonesia. To help you search for broader information about various art forms, there is a library of web links on the right-hand side of this page.

Whether you love gamelan music, Indonesian literature, traditional dance, film, textiles, digital media art, wayang puppetry or the visual arts scene, you will find something to interest you on this blog.

But most importantly this blog is a community website, a public resource for everyone. If you have an event which you would like to promote, arts news you want to publicise, some feedback, or even a favourite website for the links section, Seni-Seni would love to hear from you. You can send email to: seniseni(at) . This website is also fully interactive, and you can add your comments to any of the posted articles.


Dedicated to the friendship between Australia and Indonesia.

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