Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bandung : this is where we start

First of all, i would thank Allah for giving me this opportunity. And all of my friends who encourage me, giving me many ideas and comments, whether it's good or bad. I appreciate that. Right now, I'm still building this blog alone, but in the future, sooner maybe, i hope that helps will come to me. Because i don't think i can handle this blog alone.hahaha.. :)

Ok. By now, you might be wondering, "what the hell is this blog? what's on it?" hahaha. This blog is about Bandung. The capital of West Java, Indonesia. Maybe many of you have heard Bandung. what's it's like, or what's on Bandung. But maybe some other don't really know what's Bandung like, things that you can find in Bandung. And maybe that's because you don't have enough information about it. so here i am, writing this blog, just for you, provide you everything you should know about Bandung

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